For every good prediction involving Iowa football and football as a whole, there are five bad ones. Today, let’s review the funnier pre-season predictions.
Predictions are fun and when they turn out the way one predicts it to, the author of said prediction looks like a genius. Those are not the predictions I will be reviewing.
These are the predictions that looked solid – at least to some people – at the time, but now might embarrass a prognosticator.
Some bad predictions come from the media. I think we all know which one is the most glaring prediction in this category.
But I am not perfect either. Iowa’s season turned out largely how I expected it to develop.
I encourage you, fellow readers, to look back to my predictions for Iowa football. While I was correct about Iowa’s record and the participants of the Big Ten Championship Game, when reading closely, you may notice some hilariously bad predictions as well.
In college football, some of the things we all think will happen do in fact happen. The beauty of the sport, however, is that not everything follows that pattern.
Let’s take some accountability for the predictions, and review some of the worst ones.