The best indicator of a rivalry is the talk before and after an Iowa football game. Let’s tackle the narratives following this past weekend’s game.
Fans know that the Iowa football team and Iowa State are rivals. The week leading up to the game is called Hate Week.
Maybe adding more to the inferiority complex of our friends to the West, Iowa State is just generic ‘State’, probably from the Dr. Pepper Fansville commercials, without Iowa.
One of the more entertaining parts about this rivalry (and all rivalries for that matter) are the talking points that follow the game itself. Sometimes these form into the losing party’s excuses. Other times, the conversation is a mere continuation of rivalry trash talk.
I love some good trash talk. Let’s be honest though. Some of the comments that come from games like this are laughable.
What I will be doing today is presenting some of the most commonly seen takes on social media – most commonly Twitter – while also rating the heat of the take. Just remember that a hotter take means a sillier, or less believable, narrative.