You know you officially write for an Iowa blog when you start talking about punting. It makes you wonder why the best punters don’t beg to come to Iowa City. What other fan bases acknowledge the position like we do?
The impact of punting has been huge for Iowa. Punting may not be winning, but bad punting definitely meant losing occasionally last year.
Based on the box scores of the Iowa-Purdue game and the Iowa-Northwestern game last year, Iowa punted a combined 12 times and averaged less than 35 yards per punt. That’s…really bad.
Was that why we lost those two games? Not exclusively, but when you lose one score games and rely heavily on field position, punting that poorly certainly doesn’t help.
What I’m hoping to see, first of all, is fewer than 6 punts. Our offense should be good enough and their defense should be weak enough where we aren’t punting that frequently. When we do punt, however, Iowa should be averaging 40+ yards.
That really isn’t asking too much, especially since our new starting punter averaged over 42 yards per punt last season at Arizona State.